
Sayuri's Chest of Wonders - Silk Road D&D 5e!

Created by Penny Dragon

A big book of Silk Road inspire magic items, adventures, monsters & more for D&D 5e. Don't miss out on your Early Bird reward!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

3 Stretch Goals! And a NEW Magic Items with EVERY Stretch Goal!
4 months ago – Tue, May 21, 2024 at 11:56:13 AM

Holy smokes, we can hardly keep up!!!

Thank you. Thank you. Thank YOU!

I was writing an update for the second stretch goal and went to eat some food then came back to find the 3rd stretch goal was unlocked too!

Congratulations on unlocking the following in the Stretch Goals:

  • Additional 8 New Silk Road Magic Items
  • A New Adventure Area

Yes, we are including 1 additional new magic items with EVERY stretch goal that gets unlocked. This IS a magic item campaign after all. 

Let your friends know :)

What is an Adventure Area anyway?

"Adventure Area" sounds a bit ambiguous, doesn't it? Well, simply put, Sayuri's Chest of Wonders includes 3 short adventures that each include 3 areas as standard. BUT when you unlock a NEW adventure area, one of those adventures gets expanded with a new location the party can explore.

The 3 adventures are:

  • Assassin's Greed
  • Ghost of Doroboshi
  • The Guilded Falcons

Those with high perception roles will have noticed that we mentioned the Guilded Falcons mercenary group in the adventure we created to celebrate 50 years of D&D. That adventure was Onions & Wagons, and it was a LOT of fun to design, and we ran over 112 players through it at Gary Con in March.

You can find it in the add-ons.

We'll post properly about the 3 adventures in another update, but this stretch goal means Assassin's Greed grows from 3 to 4 areas. There will be opportunities to grow the other adventures in other stretch goals AND there's even a stretch goal that connects the 3 adventures and turns them into a single level 1 - 5 mini campaign centered on Sayuri and her gang of course.

The adventure is set in the seaside city of Doroboshi which is heavily influenced by Japanese history.

Let's keep the wheels turning and unlock more stretch goals!

Simply copy this link and sent it to your gaming friends:

And thank you again for supporting Sayuri's Chest of Wonders.

Oh, and don't forget to always...Game like a dragon!

Paddy & Team Penny Dragon

FUNDED in 20 Minutes! And YOUR Magic Item PDF!
4 months ago – Tue, May 21, 2024 at 10:09:08 AM

Thank you to all the backers who have already supported Sayuri's Chest of Wonder.

This means the campaign is 100% going ahead. It ALSO means you get an additional new magic item, since this is also a kind of mini stretch goal :)

Truly, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

This project has been in the making for SO long...Way back in the early days when we decided that Aizendore needed a nemesis of sorts.

We asked for a vote on what you wanted us to create next, and this book won by a country mile!

We were so happy when that happened!

If you've backed already, that means you're also getting Sake's Hoard for free. This PDF features a small selection of bonus magic items from the luck dragon's very own collection.

And you don't have to wait until the campaign ends to get it. We'll send it over in a few days.

Oh, and we have a few other surprises in the coming days. Don't worry, we'll update you on those too :)

The writing for the magic items for Sayuri's Chest of Wonders is finished but it does require and edit. PLUS we'll need to add anything unlocked by the stretch goals. The adventures are still a work in progress. As is the lore. MOST of the art is done for the project already also. Again, the adventures stuff is outstanding and anything unlocked by stretch goals, but we're well ahead of the September deadline.

We'll get a more thorough status report to you soon.

In the meantime, please share this campaign with your gaming friends and let's unlock some stretch goals!

And remember...

Game like a dragon!

Paddy and team penny dragon.