
Sayuri's Chest of Wonders - Silk Road D&D 5e!

Created by Penny Dragon

A big book of Silk Road inspire magic items, adventures, monsters & more for D&D 5e. Don't miss out on your Early Bird reward!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Your Copy of Sake's Hoard & News on Whispers Upon the Waves
4 months ago – Fri, May 31, 2024 at 11:17:26 AM

Congrats on making this campaign a great success!

To celebrate we've added a little something to the campaign as outlined at the bottom of this update :)

We're excited to watching Sayuri's take shape, and we're currently working on creating the additional content already unlocked by the stretch goals (thank you again for making that happen!).

As you know, Sake's Hoard is a small taster of additional magic items that Sake, the little luck dragon, has managed to collect on his own time. The PDF has turned out to be as cute as he is. As a backer, you'll find a link below, in the backer only section of this update.

We've passed the midway point for this campaign and we still have so many stretch goals to unlock.

We've already unlocked a LOAD of additional new magic items and we're only a few $100 from unlocking a new location for the adventure section of the book. In fact, if we keep going like this, Sayuri's might have over 200 magic items in it!

So, please, share with your gaming friend on Discord and let's unlock more stretch goals!

As you already likely know, Aizendore's Vault and Gizcog's Wandering Emporium are already published, so you'll receive these a couple of weeks after the campaign ends and Backerkit payments clear. Sayuri's will take a little longer as per the deadline in each tier.

We've also added something special to the add-ons.

Since Whispers Upon the Waves is almost over the line (will be fulfilled next week after final tweaks to layout), we've added that into the mix. 

It's an adventure for 4 - 6 characters at level 5. Well, that's how it started anyway, but it turned into a much bigger adventure than was originally intended, meaning it can work for a party at level 3 and see them climb to level 6.

This cray not-so-little adventure sees the party investigate the mystery of the Seaheart Gem and the Curse of Captain Grimsbeard as he and his phantom crew haunt the seaport city of Vandermire. It has tons of information on setting, lore, deities, peoples and features several maps. These include a labelled map of the small city, a map of the secret smuggler catacombs under the city, and two battle maps (one for the ghost ship and one for combat on the city's cobbled streets).

If pirates and cursed ships are your jam, consider updating your add-ons to include it. That way, you'll get it before it goes live on our website at the end of June.

Otherwise, we want to wish you all a great start to your summer. 

Have a great weekend.

And remember to always...Game like a dragon!

Paddy & Team Penny Dragon

More NEW Stretch Goals
4 months ago – Fri, May 24, 2024 at 10:58:19 AM

Congrats on unlocking 2 more stretch goals since we last published an update!

That adds 10 new magic items to those already planned...not to mentioned the specific items unlocked by the goals which means 12 new magic items unlocked by these 2 stretch goals alone!

AND a magic item cards PDF so you can print those for your table for some practicality and immersion.

Next up, as you can probably guess, is an additional new area for one of the adventures which will expand The Ghosts of Doroboshi from 3 to 4 locations thus giving players more areas to explore.

And we aren't too far off that stretch goal.

I wonder if we can hit it by the end of the third day?

I guess time will tell :)

Thank you again for your support.

Paddy & Team Penny Dragon

P.S. The poll is closing soon. Be sure to cast your vote while it's still open! :)

Another NEW Stretch Goal and a 7th on the way!
4 months ago – Wed, May 22, 2024 at 10:08:36 AM

Congratulations on unlocking a 6th stretch goal.

You will now receive the Haenyeo's Grace magic item (bringing total number of additional new magic items unlocked to 11) and a digital map pack to include all the maps in the book unlabelled and ready for printing for your table...if that's your jam.

Don't tell anyone I revealed this because I don't know if we can get anywhere near it, but there IS a stretch goal around the $50,000 mark where we add a silly number of additional new magic items to the book...which would significantly increase the number of pages. And when I say significant...think 20+ pages.

I don't think anything short of a share by a few heavy hitters in the D&D arena will get us there...but you never know :)

Speaking of more magic items, we're so close to the next stretch goal which will add a bunch more!

Also, in case you haven't noticed. You CAN get a physical copy of Sayuri's Chest of Wonders on this campaign, but they are exclusive to the art tiers to keep it to just a few copies which means these will be SUPER expensive to produce since it'll be a per-person basis rather than an offset print run.

The Merchant tier seems to be getting a lot of love today for that reason.

I'll write a proper update about those art tiers later today because I don't think we've communicated just how cool they are.

And hopefully we'll have a solid update about PoD later in the week.

Until then, remember to always...

Game like a dragon!

Paddy & Team Penny Dragon

Stretch Goal 5 Unlocked Already!
4 months ago – Tue, May 21, 2024 at 02:42:05 PM

We've done it!

We've unlocked the grayscale version of Sayuri's Chest of Wonders for all those who like to print their PDFs at home.

Also...we're now adding the Matryoshka of the Endless to the book. Each stretch goal unlocks new content PLUS an additional new magic item.

Because that's how a Penny Dragon do.

Also, please don't forget to vote in the poll re Print on Demand.

I can reveal that the next stretch goal will unlock a digital map pack to include the maps from the adventures without labels in case you want to print those for your table.

I love printing maps on vinyl for conventions and other events.

But what magic items will we unlock next, you ask?

I guess there's only one way to find out.

Until next time...remember to always...Game like a dragon!

Paddy & Team Penny Dragon

Yet ANOTHER Stretch Goal! And a POLL!
4 months ago – Tue, May 21, 2024 at 01:17:36 PM


Congratulations once again! You've unlocked stretch goal number 4 which includes 1 new magic item (like ALL stretch goals do, huzzah!) AND 1 additional new monster for the adventure section of the book.

Yes, there's an adventure. Actually, there are 3 short adventures which will each have their own chapters.

Sayuri's Chest of Wonders will follow Aizendore's Vault of Tragic Treasure (for those of you who have already read that one) in its formatting, so it'll have 3 parts as follows:
Part 1: Lore
Part 2: Adventure
Part 3: Magic Items

See, we've never believed in providing a book of just monsters or just magic items. Not that there's anything wrong with those. It's just not our style.

You'll find some form of adventure in every Penny Dragon book and that adventure will usually tie in with the theme of the said book so as to give an idea how to use the material in that book. The adventures in Sayuri's Chest of Wonders, for example, feature Sayuri, her crew, and a handful of the magic items included in Part 3.

In other words, it's there to inspire GMs and give ideas on how to use the magic items and such in their own setting, etc.

The next stretch goal will unlock a monotone printer friendly version of Sayuri's Chest of Wonders so you can print it out at home if that's your jam.

Speaking of printing...

Print on Demand

We're toying with the idea of adding a tier for physical Print on Demand books. We don't want to add another print run to the backlog we're still working through (we promised not to do that in previous communications and we plan on sticking to that promise). That said, Print on Demand means someone like DriveThru RPG will take care of printing and shipping so we don't have to.

We've steered clear of PoD in the past due to the poor quality prints it produced. However, I've been surprised to find how much that quality has improved in recent years. I can't tell the difference between that and some offset jobs. It's just an idea we're toying with based on a few comments we received lately.

I've included a poll in this update.

Please vote and let us know what you think :)

And remember to always...

Game like a dragon!

Paddy & Team Penny Dragon