
Sayuri's Chest of Wonders - Silk Road D&D 5e!

Created by Penny Dragon

A big book of Silk Road inspire magic items, adventures, monsters & more for D&D 5e. Don't miss out on your Early Bird reward!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

A Quick Update on Sayuri's
about 1 month ago – Wed, Aug 21, 2024 at 10:24:50 AM

Hey folks.

Just wanted to keep you in the loop regarding development for this book.

The magic items are done and the adventure is well under way and is slated to go into editing next week.

We've been slowly chipping away at the magic item art and should be moving into the last few bits of custom art as per the reward tiers soon.

We're on course to publish the PDF by the end of September as planned. If anything changes on that front, however, we'll let you know.

The print books, of which there are only a handful since we wanted to keep them exclusive to those working with us on the art front, will take roughly a further month to process. It depends on how many samples we need to order before we're happy to go ahead with the print job. If the first one comes back as we want it, we'll go straight to print and since we're using a PoD service, you won't have to wait months on shipping. It'll go straight to you from whatever country you're in, unless you're in a country without a printer, in which case you'll have to wait an additional few weeks.

We're excited to see several projects cross the line over the coming weeks.

I'll post another update in September.

Paddy and team Penny Dragon

P.S. if you missed the project, you'll be able to get the book in our store in October/November, so keep an eye out for it on there.

Sayuri's Work in Progress
3 months ago – Wed, Jul 03, 2024 at 03:45:23 AM

Hello everyone,

It has been a busy few weeks in Penny Dragon land with a number of other projects all in varying stages of being closed out.  This is both pretty darn exciting and a tad overwhelming for a small team of creatives. There's no better feeling than hitting that upload button on a finished project, though! 

The writing and art for Sayuri's Chest of Wonders is well underway. The writing for the magic items is complete with a few requiring the final once over. The magic item art with take several more weeks to reach completion on the project as expected. 

I just received the latest WIP for our resident Lorekeeper, Alluminora. She features across a number of our publications and Sayuri's Chest is no different. I love that our artist, Liam, has added Sake to this one. He's a sneaky little devil that Sake!

We're looking forward to sharing a few more of the magic item pieces in the coming weeks, too.

The project continues to progress well and we're eager to get some spreads together later in July so you can get a better feel for the finished product.

Enjoy the rest of your week!


Surveys Are Out
4 months ago – Thu, Jun 13, 2024 at 07:01:40 AM

Your Digital Rewards

Good day, everyone!

Surveys have gone out and all your digital rewards, bar Sayuri's Chest of Wonders, are now on their way to you. Yay!

The art team are working on the magic item pieces at the moment and I will have a few more of those to share with you next week.

There will also be several pieces of art featuring Sake, Sayuri's little luck dragon, featured (hidden) throughout this book. We look forward to seeing who can spot all of them once this one is published. We enjoy bringing a little bit of fun into the things we create and this one is no different.

A Quick Note

Those of you that backed a tier that includes an art submission for your magic item or NPC to be included in Sayuri's Chest will submit your writing via the survey questions. There is a closing date for 1st of July on these so that we can ensure no delays when it comes to getting this project to layout.

Thanks again for the support on Sayuri's!

See you in my next update (next week :)),

Kayleigh & Team Penny Dragon

That's A Wrap & Surveys
4 months ago – Thu, Jun 06, 2024 at 04:56:35 AM


Hi everyone!

First up, thank you for support this campaign. We are very much looking forward to bringing this one to life. 120 of the magic items are now complete and in vary stages of being edited. The rest will follow in due course. The art for these is also underway. The adventures are in their first draft and will go through several stages of development before they are complete. After which the art will be commissioned.

You can expect to see surveys heading out next week once the campaign is out of review on the backend. All digital rewards, with the exception of Sayuri's Chest of Wonders of course, are complete and you will begin receiving these next week too.

Those of you who have backed tiers for creating your own magic item or NPC will receive Pledge Questions to fill in as part of your survey. We're excited to see your creations in Sayuri's Chest of Wonders!

Enjoy the rest of your week and we'll be back with an update once the surveys head out next week.

Kayleigh & Team Penny Dragon

Hard Copies & Another NEW Stretch Goal!
4 months ago – Mon, Jun 03, 2024 at 10:25:10 AM

As we draw near to the end of this campaign, I want to draw your attention to our art tiers.

These are pretty special because you get to work with our team to create an awesome piece of content AND art that will be featured in the digital copy of the book and the physical if and when we do a print run.

BUT if you create art with us, we'll send you a physical copy so you can show your friends and players at your table.

We haven't included a hardcover tier simply because we don't want to commit to a print run until our other print runs are done and dusted. Those who passed their perception checks will know that this has been the case with all of our campaigns on Backerkit to date.

There's a big difference between printing 30 copies for higher tiers and 300 copied for a general hardcover tier.

The top tier even features a 3 slots where you can get your full party art and physical prints and a hard copy of the book at a steal. We've done this a few times in the past and it has always turned out to be a great experience to work with someone to create such a big art piece. You can see an example of one we did before on the tier graphics.

Also, a new stretch goal has been unlocked!

This means we'll add an additional area to the Ghost of Doroboshi adventure which will lend really well to connecting the 3 small adventures to make 1 longer adventure. I doubt we'll hit the stretch goal that connects them all together that way, but you never know what might happens!

In addition, the new stretch goal also unlocks the magic item, Shahnameh's Script (as previously stated, names may or may not be changed in the actual book).

We just got a great piece of art through from our art director, Darren Millar.

Feast your eyes on the Kabuto of the Spirit Crane.

Who needs a plague doctor mask when you can have this?

This is the level of quality you can expect when making a magic item with us...or any art for that matter.

Hopefully we'll hit a few much stretch goals in the last 24 hours!

Chat again soon!

Paddy & Team Penny Dragon